The evenings weather took a downward turn, it was not long before snow was falling heavily again, not only that but the wind had got up as well. So we snuggled down inside the boat for the evening in front of the TV, before heading off ... My morning began at 1.15am when I was woken up by ting, ting on the mushroom vent, it sounded like in my dreamlike state as if I was being summoned at a hotel reception desk, it was then followed by several loud thuds on the cabin roof. ...
If you need directions to operate it, they are really easy to follow as long as you can count the fingers on one hand and solve picture puzzles easily. Seriously, push a button and the dock pops out and the rear stand pops out with it. ...
It has a boat yard, which is home to Napton Narrow boats formerly Water Travel boats. They have a small shop where we picked up a new buckby can for Hadar. It has been a long day with us stopping at 4.10pm having done 26.8 miles. ...